Snodgrass Eyes City Council

GRAND SALINE--The pool of candidates for Grand Saline City Council is running over with individuals seeking to join the city’s managing board. Scott Snodgrass reached out with an introductory profile to give the voters a brief insight as to who he is, and to share his de sire to seek public office to the readers.
The Grand Saline Sun offers this opportunity to any seeking an elected position, and encourage the other candidates to participate in this chance to speak to the voters.
I am a native Texan with Christian, conservative values, and a desire to serve my community to
the best of my abilities. While I currently work in Dallas, I was born and raised in a small town,
and I have a true appreciation of the merits of small-town life. Such rewards are what drew my wife and me to Grand Saline, and we hope to get more involved and be positive additions.
As a young adult, I applied the work ethic and life lessons I gained at home and on the farm to
attain a mechanical engineering degree. For the last two decades, I have been the Director of Engineering for a company that designs and manufactures high-precision equipment used in advanced research and multimillion-dollar production facilities around the world. In that role, I have been responsible for leading a team of engineers, coordinating activities between multiple departments, communicating with stakeholders at all levels, and developing plans of action to solve numerous unique challenges to meet customer needs with demanding timelines and budgets.
I am very analytical in my thinking, calm under pressure, considerate of other ideas, and focused on the best outcome more than personal credit.
Those same skills and principles that contribute to success in a business environment can also be effectively applied to city governance. The purpose of any government, and particularly city government, is to provide its citizens with the services they require in the most economical way possible, so that those same citizens are free to pursue their best lives while adding to the enrichment of their community. In the role of city councilmember, my vision and purpose will always be to make the most efficient and effective use of the city’s resources to provide excellent service, build consensus and find solutions for any challenge, develop an environment of growth and opportunity, and work in good faith to honor the will of the people.